Monday 31 October 2011


  • A healthy diet plan for pregnant women should be designed to providence 300 calories compared to the more mundane needs regular caloric intake or the mother before pregnancy. This is sufficient enough to cover the needs of both the mother and the baby in her.

  • Another important consideration who should be included in a healthy diet for pregnant women is the source of the vitamins and minerals The development of mother and baby it is lower. Vitamins and minerals are essential to on going pregnancy the mother's body properly adapt to the changes constantly required the pregnancy. One example is vitamins and minerals, helps red blood cells, higher amounts in the system of the mother to produce. These red blood cells are important in helping the body to send or distribute oxygen and nutrients to the fetus or infant development.

  • During pregnancy a balanced amount of carbohydrates and fiber is important for containerization. The digestion process is slower in pregnancy or in women constantly, soit needs all available sources of fiber to aid digestion and help Ghana Improve GhanaGood Eliminate the toxins in the body.

  • The diet for pregnant women to a variety of foods to ensure adequate nutrients for proper development of the fetus. You need about four servings of dairy products to enhance your baby's calcium and vitamin D for bone growth. Get protein from lean meats like chicken and fish every day, except that your 5 servings whole grain foods that are loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber. Top up your healthy pregnancy diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats from olive oil and drink lots of water to keep hydrated.

  • The first trimester of pregnancy marks the crucial moments of your baby's development and the need to wear from morning sickness too. With such challenges, it is essential to have a suitable diet for pregnancy first trimester. Supplement your diet with foods rich in folate, such as orange and dark green leafy vegetables to neural tube birth defects in the baby to avoid. Taking iron-rich foods like lean red meat and beans helps to prevent anemia and oxygen to your baby's protection. If you often vomit, eat small but frequent meals, preferably non-fat or soft foods such as fruits and cereals. This will ensure that your baby adequately fed with the necessary nutrients.

  • If you have diabetes during pregnancy, it is important to initiate a gestational diabetes diet plan. The core of a gestational diabetes diet plan is a diet low in fat, sugar and salt but high in complex carbohydrates and fiber. Try to take frequent meals in small quantities, with the right portion of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Best is the same amount of calories for each meal during the day to show your blood sugar levels stabilize. Limit your sugar intake of foods such as jams, honey and syrup. Instead, flourish your diet with foods rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables and grains that help keep your blood sugar levels.

  • In establishing a healthy pregnancy diet plan, you will also need to be aware of a list of foods to avoid during pregnancy. If possible, refrain from caffeinated beverages during pregnancy, as some reports have claimed that the energy-booster can cause miscarriages. Total abstinence from alcohol is recommended during pregnancy as alcohol intake can be detrimental to mental and physical development of your baby. Try to keep your diet raw food - especially sushi, fish, eggs and poultry because they are easy uncooked food contaminated with bacteria. Some fish such as shark, king mackerel, bluefish, and swordfish are also foods to avoid during pregnancy as they often contain high levels of accumulated mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls from the fetal nervous system causing learning and memory impairment can affect.

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