AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is a serious condition that weakens the immune system, leaving it unable to fight off disease.
AIDS is the final step in the progression of diseases resulting from viral infection known as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV or AIDS virus). Diseases include a variety of unusual and severe infections, cancers and debilitating illnesses, resulting in severe weight loss or wasting away, and diseases that affect the brain and central nervous system.
There is no cure for HIV infection or AIDS nor is there a vaccine to prevent HIV infection. However, new drugs can not only slow the progression of the infection, but can also significantly suppress the virus, thereby restoring the body's immune system and allow many people infected with HIV to lead a normal, disease-free life.
IndiaAIDS HIV therapy and HIV infection prevention and care
The only way to protect from contracting AIDS sexually abstain from sex outside a mutually faithful relationship with a partner whom the person knows is not infected with the AIDS virus. Otherwise, the risk can be minimized if:
Do not have sexual contact with anyone who has symptoms of AIDS or who is a member of a group at high risk for AIDS.
Avoid sexual contact with anyone who had sexual relationships with people at risk of AIDS.
Do not have sex with prostitutes.
Avoid sex with anyone who has multiple and / or anonymous sexual partners.
Avoid oral, genital and anal contact with partner, blood, semen, vaginal secretions, feces or urine. If they know with absolute certainty that their partner is not infected, a latex condom should be used during each sexual act, from beginning to end. Using a spermicidal agent may provide additional protection.
Avoid anal intercourse altogether.
Do not share toothbrushes, razors or other implements that could become contaminated with the blood of anyone who is or might be infected with the AIDS virus.
Be careful in terms of procedures, such as acupuncture, tattooing, ear piercing, etc., in which needles or other Nonsterile instruments can be used repeatedly to pierce the skin and / or mucous membranes.
Such procedures are safe if proper sterilization methods are employed or disposable needles are used. Ask what precautions are taken before undergoing such procedures.
If an individual is scheduling surgery in the near future, and able, they could consider donating blood for their own purposes. This will eliminate completely the already very small risk of contracting AIDS through blood transfusions. It will also eliminate the risk of other bloodborne diseases (such as hepatitis) from a transfusion.