Wednesday, 31 August 2011


AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is a serious condition that weakens the immune system, leaving it unable to fight off disease.
AIDS is the final step in the progression of diseases resulting from viral infection known as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV or AIDS virus). Diseases include a variety of unusual and severe infections, cancers and debilitating illnesses, resulting in severe weight loss or wasting away, and diseases that affect the brain and central nervous system.
There is no cure for HIV infection or AIDS nor is there a vaccine to prevent HIV infection. However, new drugs can not only slow the progression of the infection, but can also significantly suppress the virus, thereby restoring the body's immune system and allow many people infected with HIV to lead a normal, disease-free life.
IndiaAIDS HIV therapy and HIV infection prevention and care
The only way to protect from contracting AIDS sexually abstain from sex outside a mutually faithful relationship with a partner whom the person knows is not infected with the AIDS virus. Otherwise, the risk can be minimized if:

Do not have sexual contact with anyone who has symptoms of AIDS or who is a member of a group at high risk for AIDS.
Avoid sexual contact with anyone who had sexual relationships with people at risk of AIDS.
Do not have sex with prostitutes.
Avoid sex with anyone who has multiple and / or anonymous sexual partners.
Avoid oral, genital and anal contact with partner, blood, semen, vaginal secretions, feces or urine. If they know with absolute certainty that their partner is not infected, a latex condom should be used during each sexual act, from beginning to end. Using a spermicidal agent may provide additional protection.
Avoid anal intercourse altogether.
Do not share toothbrushes, razors or other implements that could become contaminated with the blood of anyone who is or might be infected with the AIDS virus.
Be careful in terms of procedures, such as acupuncture, tattooing, ear piercing, etc., in which needles or other Nonsterile instruments can be used repeatedly to pierce the skin and / or mucous membranes.

Such procedures are safe if proper sterilization methods are employed or disposable needles are used. Ask what precautions are taken before undergoing such procedures.
If an individual is scheduling surgery in the near future, and able, they could consider donating blood for their own purposes. This will eliminate completely the already very small risk of contracting AIDS through blood transfusions. It will also eliminate the risk of other bloodborne diseases (such as hepatitis) from a transfusion.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011


  • Meat and poultry can be a well balanced diet, because they have sufficient protein.However, meat and poultry are the sources of unhealthy fats and cholesterol. For losing weight and stay healthy, you do not give up meat and poultry, but just stick to lean meats. The total fat in lean meat is lower. In addition, lower amounts of saturated fats.Lean beef round, Chuck, loin and tenderloin. Lean pork and lamb are tenderloin, loin chops and legs. The leanest poultry is chicken breast without skin.


  • Travel health
  • Travelling to different climates and environments abroad canexpose you to disease and health risks. You Should Be Aware of the Dangers and how to stay healthy.

  • Which Diseases Are not present in the UK Such As yellow fever,malaria, rabies and dengue fever are common in some areas of the world.

  • Vaccination and Immunisation
  • Visit your GP as soon as Possible to check if you need anyvaccination or other preventive Measures (Such As malariatablets).

Remember, These Are not Usually available treatments as NHSprescription.

General  health tips for travel:

  • You Should Also make if you have an extra PreparationsReplace existing medical condition.

  • Take out adequate travel insurance or face a huge medical Couldyou bill if you fall ill and need treatment, get a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to entitle you tofree or discounted healthcare in European Countries.
  • Check the health section of our country travel advice before youtravel
  • Drink plenty of water in hot climates to avoid dehydraion.
  • Be safe in the sun - use a high factor sunscreen and avoidexcessive sunbathing Between 11am - 3pm
  • Find out the local emergency services numbers and the numberof the local hospitalPractice safe sex - take condoms with you as Quality Varies indifferent Countries. HIV and AIDS, and other sexuallyTransmitted diseases can be caught worldwide.Travel Health
  • Travelling to different climates and environments abroad canexpose you to disease and health risks. You Should Be Aware of the Dangers and how to stay healthy.

Which Diseases Are not present in the UK Such As yellow fever,malaria, rabies and dengue fever are common in some areas of the world.

  • Vaccination and Immunisation
  • Visit your GP as soon as Possible to check if you need anyvaccination or other preventive Measures (Such As malariatablets).

  • Remember, These Are not Usually available treatments as NHSprescription.

Friday, 26 August 2011



  •  Herbs 'n' Spice is hot 'n' fun Combine 28 grams sliced ​​fresh ginger, 1 broken cinnamon stick, 1 teaspoon coriander seeds, 3 cloves, 1slice of lime, 1 / 2 liter of water. Simmer for 15 minutes, strain. Drink a cup of warm every 2 hours. The lime has a lot of vitamin C (a recommended cold fighter), while the ginger and spices provide the antibacterial effect 

  •  OR Add 1 / 2 "ginger, tulsi leaves 6, 1 bay leaf, peppercorns and cloves to 3 1 / 2 liters of water with palm sugar to taste. Boil for 15 minutes. Strain and drink hot, as often as you like. The pepper dilates the blood vessels in the nose and stimulates the secretion draining sinuses to help. Chilli powder or red pepper also work and moreover, has anti-inflammatory properties. 

  •  Ginger Juice Take a one inch of ginger and wash thoroughly. Scrape the skin and cut into 3-4 pieces. Add a tablespoon of water. Churn thoroughly in a blender and strain the juice into a gauzy cloth. Discard the pulp. Add one teaspoon of honey (a mild anti-bacterial), a pinch of turmeric (now a proven antiseptic), stirring well. Drink half in the morning and half in the evening. The mixture keeps in the fridge. 

  • Chug some chicken soup # Attacking a cold or flu in at least three ways: the fluids and minerals to help rehydrate your body and energy, the decongestant herbs give benefits, and if you come creeping over you as you eat, you get a mucous soothing bath.
  •    Bring one liter of chicken broth to a boil. Add a teaspoon of chili powder and an inch wide piece of ginger, grated. Simmer for 15 minutes. Garnish each bowl with a raw, chopped garlic and chopped spring onions. Have four bowls one day when on your sickest.

  • Go for a crisp garlic its active ingredient, allicin (the same as in onions), is especially effective against infections such as bronchitis and sinusitis, which often result from colds and flu. Some experts believe that allicin destroys the cold and flu viruses, but this theory is not scientifically proven. 
  • Eat one or two cloves a day of raw or lightly cooked garlic, all at once or in small doses


  • Food poisoning and inflammation of the stomach and intestines are always on the rise during this season, "in-between" when we move from summer to monsoon.
  • And high humidity in the air in cities like Mumbai [Images], and encourages the growth of bacteria causing the disease.
  • Here are some pointers to keep in mind to avoid the bad rainy season.
Eating out:

  •     And must provide food, such as dal, soup, pasta, which is supposed to be served hot is too hot. In many cases, the pasta is served lukewarm, making it an ideal environment for bacterial growth. When developing your system, and specify that you want it very hot.

Similarly, it must be the work of frozen foods such as ice cream frozen completely. At home, make sure not to re-freeze melted ice cream as it becomes a good environment for growth baterial. This can lead to food poisoning.
Avoid eating raw food in the form of power; you do not know if it has been washed and cleaned and stored well in the right temperature before serving you. Choose to move the fried vegetables.
And usually allows sauces and sauces to stand at room temperature for several hours in restaurants and are loaded with harmful micro-organisms. Avoid if possible. Should avoid coconut sauce because it contains a lot of nutrients that help the growth of bacteria.
Avoid dairy products, mithai, especially, if the restaurant or outlet you buy from them are not stored / displayed in the temperature controlled. This is because the high content of sugar and milk together to provide a suitable environment for the growth of bacteria.
Avoid eating in restaurants on the side of the road have been especially those who work or builder Puri Puri BHEL sauces such as lack of hygiene, and can be caused by an upset stomach or food poisoning so.
Make the medicine your food
If you already have a cold or sore throat, and these natural remedies are excellent.

For one cup of milk add half a teaspoon of turmeric (Haldi) and one teaspoon of honey. This is 2-3 times a day.

  •     Add a small piece of crushed ginger to tea and allow it to boil for half a minute. And so twice a day.
  •     Inhalation of vapor from the cold helps in soothing the throat and clearing your sinuses.
  •     Add a few tea leaves Tulsi is also an excellent treatment for inflammation in the throat. Gargling with salt water three times a day is good for bad throat.
Another common disease is a disorder of the stomach.
  • If you do end up with an upset stomach make sure you drink plenty of fluids in the form of water or coconut water.
  • Always bags of oral rehydration salts in handy to prevent dehydration. Get ready at any chemist.
However, even if the disease is simple, try as much as possible not to self-treatment; always take the opinion of the doctor immediately.


  •     Keep the liquid disinfectant such as Dettol or savlon useful and use it to wash off mud or dirt, which usually gets sprayed around. Do not wash your hands only, but also to avoid your feet itching and rashes and skin infections.
  •     Always use a sturdy shoe that will give you a good grip and to provide adequate protection to avoid slipping or falling.
  •     If you have any minor incidents, and ice are excellent in numbing nerve endings.

  •     Pressure on the affected area with ice for at least four to five minutes. Not apply ice directly to the skin or you may get ice burn. Always wrap in a towel and then hand applied. If the pain or swelling persist, talk to your doctor immediately.
And do not forget, drinking an adequate amount of water necessary thoughout the year. If you're used to drinking water directly from the tap, and boil it on the refrigerator immediately after it is cooled to reduce the risk of waterborne diseases.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


  • Eating well during pregnancy
  • It is a known fact that what a woman eats during pregnancy is important for her health and the health and development of her baby.
  • Your diet provides your body with the fuel and nutrients you need for the next nine months a pleasurable experience, ease delivery, and speed your recovery after the baby is born. Here are some reasons to eat well during pregnancy:

  •     Healthy weight gain. The best indicator of how well your pregnancy, your weight goes. You should get the recommended amount of weight and you Äôll improve your chances of having a full term baby with a low risk of health problems after birth. You should get about 9-14 pounds, depending on your pre-pregnancy weight.
    Avoid iron deficiency. Fatigue, reduced resistance to colds and infections, and even mood swings often caused by iron deficiency. Iron deficiency can be easily prevented with a healthy diet that many iron-rich foods, and includes an iron supplement if your doctor recommends.
  •     Stay energized. It takes energy to develop a healthy baby and that energy comes from calories - up to 300 extra calories per day above your pre-pregnancy, recommended intakes.
  •     Speed ​​recovery after childbirth. Your body will require optimum energy and nutritional resources adequate to recover after your baby is born. Good nutrition is essential for the recovery process.
  •     Help prevent common pregnancy problems. Fortunately, few women experience serious complications during pregnancy. But most women do face minor problems such as heartburn, constipation, fatigue and mood swings. You can minimize these problems by maintaining a good diet.
Eat right for your baby
  • Each gram of protein, every microgram of folic acid and every drop of water your baby needs to come from your diet. Water-soluble vitamins Egyptians, AOT stored in the body, so the food you eat is the only source of your baby, AOS nutrients. That, why the AOS, AOS is important to eat well before you conceive and during the months that follow. Here are other reasons to eat well:

  •     Reduce the risk of birth defects. One of the most common types of birth defects - neural-tube defects - can be found in many pregnancies when the mother consumes the optimum amount of folate, a B vitamin found in dark green leafy vegetables.
  •     Ensure sufficient high quality protein intake. In a healthy diet, meat, chicken, fish, beans, milk and eggs provide protein. It, AOS number one building block for your growing baby, AOS muscles, ligaments, hair, nails, bones, brain, blood and other tissues.
  •     Supply calcium for bones and teeth. In the third quarter to 250 mg of calcium, your baby every day. Consuming milk and milk products in abundance will provide needed this mineral and prevent calcium is taken from your bones.
  •     Ensure a healthy birth weight. After a nutritious diet and getting the right amount of weight gain during pregnancy will increase your chances of a healthy baby.