Monday 17 October 2011



Breast cancer is a malignant tumor That starts in the cells of the breastA malignant tumor is a group of cancer cells can grow That enter (invade) surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the bodyThe Disease Occurs almost entirely in women,but they can get it too.
     Breast cancer is a malignant tumor (a collection of cancer cells) arising from the cells of the breastAlthough breast cancer is most common in women can also affect men. This article is about breast cancer in women.


Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women.
One in eight women develops breast cancer in the United States.
There are many forms of breast cancer that differ in their ability to spread (metastasize) to other body tissues.
The causes of breast cancer are not fully knownalthough some risk factors have been identified.
There are many different types of breast cancer.
Breast cancer is diagnosed by physician and self-examination of the breasts,mammographyultrasound testing and biopsy.
Treatment of breast cancer depends on the type and stage (degree of spread in the body).

Types of breast cancer:

  • There are different types of breast cancer, but some of them are quite rare. In some cases, a breast tumor is a combination of these types, or a mixture of invasive and in situ cancer.

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS, also known as intraductal carcinoma) is the most common type of noninvasive breast cancer. DCIS means the cancer cells in the ducts but have not spread through the walls of the ducts into the surrounding breast tissue.About 1 in 5 new cases of breast cancer will be DCIS. Nearly all women diagnosed at this early stage breast cancer can be cured. A mammogram is often the best way to find DCIS early.When DCIS is diagnosed, the pathologist (a doctor specializing in diagnosing disease from tissue samples) to find areas with dead or dying cancer cells, called tumor necrosis within the tissue sample. If necrosis is present, the tumor is probably more aggressive.Comedocarcinoma The term is often used to describe DCIS with necrosis.

  • Lobular carcinoma in situ:

This is not a true cancer, and is discussed in the section "What are the risk factors for breast cancer?.

  • Invasive (or infiltrating) ductal carcinoma:

This is the most common form of breast cancer. Invasive (or infiltrating) ductal carcinoma (IDC) starts in a milk passage (duct) of the breast, breaks through the wall of the tube, and grows in the fatty tissue of the breast. At this point it may be able to (metastasize) to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system and bloodstream. About 8 out of 10 invasive ductal breast cancer infiltrating carcinomas.Invasive (or infiltrating) lobular carcinomaInvasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) begins in the milk-producing glands (lobules). Like IDC, the (metastasize) to other parts of the body. 
About 1 in 10 invasive breast cancer is an ILC. Invasive lobular carcinoma may be difficult to detect by mammogram than invasive ductal carcinoma.

Inflammatory breast cancer: This type of cancer makes the skin of the breast appear redand feel hot (giving it the appearance of an infection)These changes are due to theblockage of lymph vessels by cancer cells.
Triple negative breast cancerThis is a subtype of invasive cancer cells that lack estrogenand progesterone receptors and have no excess of a specific protein (HER2) on their surfaceIt tends to appear more often in younger women and African-American women.
Paget's disease of the nippleThis cancer starts in the ducts of the breast and spreads tothe nipple and the area around the nippleIt presents usually with crusting and redness around the nipple.
Adenoid cystic carcinomaThese cancers have both glandular and cystic featuresThey tend not aggressive spread and a good prognosis.

The following are other unusual types of breast cancer
Papillary carcinoma
Phyllodes tumor
Tubular carcinoma


The most common symptom of breast cancer is a new lump or mass in the breastIn addition, the following possible signs of breast cancer:

  • Nipple, or redness
  • Breast or nipple pain
  • Swelling of part of the breast or dimpling


  • Some of the factors that increase the risk of breast cancer can be changed (such as alcohol use), while others can not be affected (such as age). It is important to discuss these risks with your health care provider always new therapies are initiated (eg, postmenopausal hormone therapy)

The following risk factors for breast cancer:
  • Age: The risk of breast cancer increases as you get older.
  • Family history: Breast cancer risk is higher in women who have relatives with the disease.Having a relative with the disease (sister, mother, daughter) doubles a woman's risk.
  • Personal History: Having been diagnosed with breast cancer in one breast increases the risk of cancer in the other breast or another cancer risk in the original breast.

Women diagnosed with certain benign breast conditions are at increased risk of breast cancer. These include atypical hyperplasia, a condition where an abnormal proliferation of breast cells but no cancer has developed.
  • Menstruation: Women who began their menstrual cycle at a younger age (before 12) or went through menopause later (after 55) have a slightly increased risk.
  • Breast Tissue: Women with dense breast tissue (as documented by the mammogram) have a higher risk of breast cancer.
  • Race: White women have a higher risk of developing breast cancer but African-American women tend to have more aggressive tumors when they develop breast cancer.

Previous breast exposure to radiation or the use of diethylstilbestrol increases the risk of breast cancer.
Without children or first child after age 30 increases the risk of breast cancer.
Breastfeeding for one and half to two years may slightly lower breast cancer risk.
Being overweight or obese increases the risk of breast cancer.
Use of oral contraceptives in the past 10 years increases breast cancer risk.
Using combination hormone therapy after menopause increases breast cancer risk.
Alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer, and this seems to be proportional to the amount of alcohol.
Exercise appears to lower breast cancer risk.


  • Ductal carcinoma in situ:

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